Lukluk Raun

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Questions remain about what Telstra Digicel deal will mean for PNG consumers


Questions remain about what Telstra Digicel deal will mean for PNG consumers

by Dr Amanda H A Watson

Research fellow

Australian National University

The Australian telecommunication company Telstra has announced that it is going to purchase Digicel’s Pacific arm. That is, Digicel’s operations in six Pacific countries: Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Fiji, Vanuatu, Nauru and Tonga. But it will not be doing it alone. The Australian government will be providing substantial assistance. In fact, Australia will fork out most of the funds, although Telstra will end up owning all of Digicel’s Pacific operations.

Why is Australia’s Telstra buying Digicel’s Pacific arm?

Why would Telstra be doing this? Why is Australia supporting them to such a great extent?

To understand this deal, it is important to know the background and context. Key to the situation is that while Digicel has been profitable in Papua New Guinea and other Pacific nations, the overall company has held a large debt burden that it has struggled to manage. The global company, which has operations in more than thirty countries, re-structured the debt last year. Even so, questions remained about whether it would be able to pay its debtors on time.

Up until now, Irish businessman Denis O’Brien has owned 99.9% of Digicel Group, which reportedly had a debt of US$7 billion in June 2020. A restructure reduced its debt by US$1.6 billion. Credit ratings agency Moody’s suggested that the company was effectively defaulting on its loans.

At around the time of the debt restructure, in May 2020, The Australian Financial Review reported that the Chinese state-owned enterprise China Mobile might buy Digicel’s Pacific arm. China Mobile is state-owned and thus there was a concern amongst Australian officials that if China Mobile wanted to buy Digicel’s Pacific arm, the move could have presented a potential cybersecurity threat.

In December 2020, it was revealed that Digicel Group had asked Citigroup for advice about a possible sale of its Pacific arm. It seemed that the company’s motivation for a possible sale of its lucrative Pacific operations was to use the cash generated from the sale to help to address its debt.

The deal that was announced on Monday this week would see Digicel Pacific sold for US$1.6 billion. In addition, Digicel stands to gain a further US$250 million if the company does well over the next three years. The business will be owned and operated by Telstra. However, Telstra is only putting in US$270 million of the sale price. The Australian government is providing the rest. In other words, the Australian taxpayers are stumping up most of the money.

When announcing the acquisition, Telstra made it clear that it has come about because Telstra was initially approached by the Australian government with a request for technical advice. They later explored the possibility of buying Digicel Pacific with the government’s support. As well as the finance that Australia is putting into the deal, the government is offering Telstra insurance that will cover certain political and regulatory interventions for six years. There may also be some foreign exchange assistance if it is needed.

What are the reasons for the deal?

The Australian government has stated that this deal is consistent with Australia’s support of quality investment in regional infrastructure. Foreign Minister Marise Payne has pointed out that the acquisition reflects Australia’s commitment, as part of its Pacific Step Up, to support the development of secure and reliable infrastructure in the region. She has argued that this will ultimately help with the Pacific region’s economic growth and development .She has suggested that this announcement is in the interests of both Australia and “our Pacific family”.

However, it is widely understood that the real reason for brokering the deal was to stop a Chinese company or a Chinese state-owned entity from purchasing Digicel’s Pacific arm. Australian officials were concerned about whether a Chinese company or a Chinese state-owned enterprise might look to buy Digicel's Pacific arm. There were geopolitical concerns about a Chinese company owning a major telecommunication company in the Pacific region, which is geographically so close to Australia.

The United States has banned investments in Chinese companies with suspected ties to the Chinese Communist Party, including Chinese company Huawei and Chinese state-owned enterprise China Mobile. Possible use of Chinese surveillance technology has been mentioned as a concern by US President Joe Biden. In addition, Chinese company Huawei has been banned from participation in the rollout of the National Broadband Network and the fifth generation (5G) mobile network in Australia, and the 5G network in the United Kingdom. For its part, Huawei has repeatedly denied the accusations of spying and links to the Chinese state and has offered to have its equipment tested.

Although the speculation that China Mobile or another Chinese company was going to buy Digicel’s Pacific arm was never confirmed publicly, it seems that geopolitical considerations weighed heavily on the minds of decision-makers in Australia when deciding whether to step in.

How has the announcement been received?

The announcement has received mixed reception, from enthusiastic support through to strong opposition.

Writing for Online Opinion, Australian commentator Jeffrey Wall has welcomed the news. He has suggested that it has been particularly good news, given recent high-level meetings between leaders and senior ministers of Pacific nations and China. He has pointed out a synergy between the sports sponsorship programs of the two companies: Digicel is the major sponsor of PNG's rugby league competition, while Telstra is the major sponsor of the National Rugby League in Australia.

On the same day, Professor Stephen Howes, a development economist at Australian National University, called for the deal to be scrapped. He argued that instead of purchasing the dominant player, the Australian government could have supported other companies in the countries where Digicel operates. He views the deal as having been made solely to counter China and questions whether it will have any positive developmental impacts.

Big questions remain

Although it has been announced, it is still possible that the deal may not go through in all six Pacific countries. Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne has acknowledged that Telstra will need to “engage with governments in Digicel’s operating jurisdictions regarding regulatory requirements and approvals”. In the six nations, telecommunication regulators will likely be keen to look at the details of the deal before giving it the green light.

In PNG, the Minister for Communication and Information Technology Timothy Masiu has confirmed to this newspaper that Telstra will need to make a submission to the regulator, the National Information and Communications Technology Authority, in order for regulatory processes to commence.

If the purchase does go ahead, big questions remain about what this will mean for consumers in PNG and the other five Pacific nations. There will be no immediate changes. Mobile networks will continue to operate. Digicel stores will keep opening each day. Staff will remain employed. There is no need for anxiety.

But will it lead to any improvement in services or prices? There is hope that Digicel’s network coverage may become more widespread and more reliable in rural areas. There is anticipation that prices for mobile internet, calls and text messages may go down. Yet, the sale means that Digicel will benefit if the company is profitable in the three years immediately following the sale. As UPNG lecturer Dek Joe Sum has pointed out, Telstra will be aiming to provide a return for its shareholders. That will be its focus.

The Australian government’s contribution to the deal is very large. Bigger, in fact, than Australia’s annual aid program to the Pacific. This has left some wondering what other activities could have been conducted with such a large amount of money. That much money could have provided incentives for retired health workers to return to work to help with the COVID-19 response. It could have provided helicopters and other logistic support to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to rural villages across PNG.

It is yet to be seen whether this business deal will lead to any tangible improvements in Digicel’s service. It will never be known what alternate spending of that scale by Australia could have achieved in the Pacific.

Dr Amanda H A Watson is a research fellow with the Department of Pacific Affairs at Australian National University. Her research focuses on telecommunications in the Pacific region.

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