Lukluk Raun

Thursday, December 30, 2021



The 2020 graduate pastors, some with their spouses.


by Kalita Splendor

THE beautiful morning sun rose perfectly above the placid eastern waters as it threw its beaming rays onto the grey glittering stretch of Bwaruada sandy beach that travelled almost half a kilometre to a river mouth, located at the south end named Wailakawana.

Hulled onto the dry sandy beaches are countless number of banana boats and few traditional dug-out canoes. The banana boats travelled miles across the mighty Milne Bay seas powered by different size of outboard motors to witness the pioneer Diploma Minister’s Graduation at United Church Bwaruada Regional Bible College on Normanby Island in the Esa’ala District on Sunday, November 29, 2020.

The boats took hours and days to arrive from the many outer islands that are sprinkled in the Solomon and Coral Seas where most United Church followers live in the province; operating under the banner of the Papuan Islands Region (PIR).

The sign that welcomes all visitors and trainee pastors.

Boats arrived from Misima; Woodlark; Kiriwina; Goodenough; Engineer Group of Islands; Fergusson and Normanby Islands; many also from the mainland areas of East Cape; West Tawala and Alotau town areas. Whereas those that lived nearby joined the occasion using their dugout out-trigger canoes.

The boats arrived, laden with United Church clergies and their contributions of pigs and food stuff for the host of the traditional feast known as “Sagali” in Dobuan dialect commemorating United Church in Papua New Guinea’s milestone achievement; especially within PIR for the pioneer graduation of Diploma Ministers from Bwaruada Regional Bible College than from the usual Rarongo Theological College in East New Britain Province.

Contributions were carried on shoulders and others on heads as they excitedly marched and danced to pile on the feast platform; accompanied with unison echoes of traditional chants blended with kundu drum beats that filled the whole Bwaruada atmosphere on Saturday, November 28 reminding everyone of the joyous occasion about the achievements of United Church in PNG.

The achievement came about because of the success in the decentralisation of its Diploma Minister program from its main theological campus at Rarongo to the regional college.

The pioneer Diploma Ministers Graduation time at Bwaruada RBC led by UC PNG Moderator Rev Bernard Siae and outgoing UCCHOE Director Rev Morea Kila

Chairman Organising Committee, Rev Robert Anieli said; “Since the Diploma Ministers graduation is a historical moment for the college.

“We decided to make a feast to commemorate the achievement; having similar biblical concept when the Israelites did a Passover feast to indicate their transition from one stage to another.”

The feast signified the goodness of God that carried them through their trouble times, Rev Anieli further elaborates about the feasting coinciding with the graduation.

Bwaruada and George Brown Regional Bible Colleges are the two regional institutions that piloted the new concept and all went well through God’s grace regardless of being faced with the hurdles of insufficient infrastructure; equipment and teaching materials.

Principal of Bwaruada RBC Rev Dohela Isowa admitted that it was difficult to implement the concept as the college was cash trapped. The institution was given a year only to prepare and deliver Diploma program.

“The institution had to sacrifice monies and also go to the extent of sending students to dive for beche-de-mer in the Woodlark Islands to raise K15 thousand and completed a new classroom so the program can be executed,” the principal reveals.

Regardless of the financial struggles, Bwaruada RBC took on the challenge and successfully graduated 14 Diploma Ministers on Sunday, November 29 whereas the sister college, George Brown RBC in East New Britain graduated only eight.

Reverend Bernard Siae, Moderator of UC PNG congratulated and told the graduands that they are not only staff of PIR but for the whole UC PNG after graduation.

He told them to be ready at all times because the Assembly Office will call anyone up to become a missionary to serve within or outside of the country.

Moderator of the United Church Reverend Bernard Siae.

The Bwaruada Regional Bible College is a PIR United Church pastoral training institution with mission to educate; mould; empower and commission its lay persons equipped with God’s word to go out and serve for the church’s extension and to win souls for the kingdom of God.

The college lies five kilometres north of the Duau Local Level Government station, Sehuleia on Normanby Island. The institution is located below the ranges and slopes of Koyabuli Mountain between Nuagisi and Mwadauna and Bwaruada sandy beach is always pondered by crashing waves that creates natural musical rhythm all year round.

The name Bwaruada came into existence as a result of tribal warfare amongst the locals of Sipupu; Meudana; Mwadauna; Dawada and the Wailakawana up stream tribal communities consisting Lomitawa; Sigasiga; Siyausi and Hadabaweya.

The experiences of the warfare resulted in bloodshed and many deaths amongst all tribal communities due to the dispute on the burial of one of its great tribal chiefs.

The institution was first established in 1951 under the name Wesley Boys School then later was moved to Salamo in 1952 which today operates as Wesley Secondary School with the motto as; “Enter to learn, Go forth to serve”.

While Bwaruada took on board the pastoral trainings under the District Training Institute (DTI) and the Circuit Training Institute programs (CTI).

Proper school administration began under an expatriate principal named F Walker from 1958-1960. Another expatriate, Mr Ian Whitelock then took over and emphasised more on lay people’s training from 1960-1965. South Sea missionary Rev Taniela Fisihoi from 1965-1967.

Milne Bay local, Rev Lepani Gumagawa then took over the reign from 1968-1971. The institution was later shifted to Kalokalo on West Fergusson under the leadership of Rev Joshua Kainamale and got it returned to Bwaruada in 1974 and remained there until 1984.

The record revealed that the following ministers served as principals in the college were: Rev Isei Isei Mathew; Rev Terence Mwemwelo; Rev Henry Tauwaigu; Rev Apenai Tauwaigu; Rev Kali Philemon; Rev Ignitius Ketobwau; Rev Tau Hobart; Rev Samuel Soahe; Rev Gaudi Gabutu; Rev Steven Eliesa; Rev Rex Kaikuyawa; Rev John Sailasa; Rev David Nason; Rev Agabu Anthonio and the current principal is Rev Dohela Isowa.

The Sagali feast foodstuff.

In 1985, a curriculum was developed and the college’s name changed to Papua Regional Pastoral College (PRPC) when full three-year certification program was introduced and continued to 1990.

Additional program came into the institution from 1990-1994. Pastors were trained towards ordained Ministers of the word and sacrament. The inclusion of the type two ministers and the CCTC programs then prepared candidates for entry into Rarongo.

The program continued until in 2010 when it adopted the two years School of Theology and Mission (STM) program with having a new motto as; “Do your part and God will do the rest”

When the church in PNG celebrated its 50 years of existence (1968-2018) a new chapter in PIR emerged. The Diploma of Theology program was then off loaded to the institution and got its name rebranded to Bwaruada Regional Bible College.

The change is seen as a new dawn and a dream come true to train ministers for the spreading and planting of the Gospel in the maritime United Church in PIR and abroad. The achievement has therefore elevated the college’s status and having the purpose to extend God’s Kingdom.

Bwaruada RBC is therefore a hub for training and producing Godly human resources and the college remains as one of the cornerstones for this nation’s prosperity.

The college will always produce and supply new blood missionaries to go out and serve people who are hungry for the word of God and uphold Papua New Guinea as a Christian nation.

The beautiful sandy Bwaruada beach.


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