Lukluk Raun

Tuesday, December 28, 2021



By Dr. Iso Moreo (freelance writer)


It was very late in the evening that he returned from the old, yet prestigious university after receiving donations from the students, a charity run he did after every closure of school, especially during Christmas breaks. 

From afar, I could see sweat drenching his body, the skin tone are coarse and dark which is apparently an evidence of prolonged exposure to sun. He was calm yet disturbed, obviously disoriented and absent minded. I saw this body configuration from afar, and immediately knew despite his calmness, something is just not right. So I slowly approached him and sat down with him without saying any word. 

He noticed my presence and he turned to my side and said, "Big bro, we have a problem. We cannot be able to deliver the donations from the students, up to Gumine and distribute them to the rural Populace including school children  just like we used to". 

At that instant, I knew he was right. As a big brother I couldn't also help because I was out off work for two months. I hesitantly  blinked my eyes to the ground, and looking up to his face  I saw a renewed hope in hopelessness, courage in retreat, boldness in danger, and a triumphant warrior countenance and I knew immediately he is passionate, he has been a shinning star all alone in his tribe and community. 

And nothing could stop him from achieving his goal. His name is Charles Bilgan, and he is the Highlands Region Digicel Man of Honour for year 2021. An accolade he dedicated to his people of Gumine, Simbu Province!

Charles Bilgan is a 24 year old young man from Boromil, village in Gumine district of Simbu Province.  

His mother Mina Erabia is from Yuri, a traditionally culture entrenched society with premedevial history of warrior and warlords ancestry. He grew up in the rural Boromil, where he did his primary schooling to high school, and continued on to grade 11 and 12 at Kerowagi Secondary School. 

During his primary and secondary school days, Charles has shown traits of leadership through his conduct both in school and the community. He leads student Association, called Simbu Adventist Students Association (SASA) in those days, and offer peace mediation between conflicts in the community. 

He showed kindness, consideration of others, ownership for mistakes, voices for the helpless - all done whilst still being a student in junior high school to senior high school. In 2016 he was selected to do Bachelor of Building and Architecture in University of Technology, where is now doing his 4th year in Building, however, being the same good-hearted person he is.

Charles is an example of a fine young man, doing extraordinary things for community in any way he sees opportunity. Needless to say, all at the expanse of his study time, young life enjoyment and his limited resources as a student. 

In the last two years, Charles has pulled himself into doing fundraising and seeking donations from his colleague so that he may bring it to his people to help them. He collected donations from students at Unitech like clothes, shoes, stationaries, beddings, cooking/eating utensils etc, and packed them together into 50kg bags and delivers them to the rural kids in Gumine, as well as the unfortunate adults without basic items. 

Last year he collect 60 bags of 50kg items donated by students, and this year he collected 110 bags of 50kg bags, all filled and ready to be transported but was disabled by his inability to do so. 

That was when I get in contact with him and realized his plight. When asked about how he manage his time in school, whilst undertaking his passion, he smiled and said " When one has the right heart and mind to help others, the problems are simply blessing in disguise". And he is a living testament to that.

His passion to become a beacon of hope have been made possible by some organizations, student body, and individuals. Some notable organizations are Project Yumi Inc (An Australian based Charity Organizations that support education/health in PNG), Community Development Agency of Simbu, Simbu Adventist Students Association (SASA). He also paid tribute to late Titus Maima, who was a cornerstone to achieving what he achieved so far in his endeavours.

The young lad, without his knowledge, was nominated as the Digicel Man of Honour in October this year when the application for the Digicel cameman of honour came  out. He was fortunately shorted listed, interviewed, and of the numerous applicants, he was able to be selected and declared the Digicel Man of Honour for the Highlands Region. 

This came both as a surprise and blessing, and he was totally lost for words to describe how it felt to be recognized with this prestigious charity award nationally, but thanked God and those behind the scene for making this possible.

On December 10, 2021, Charles was flown to Port Moresby on the PNG Air Sponsored ticket. A hotel in Lamana was booked for overnight, where he attended the Digicel Man of Honour Night at Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby. 

He was greeted with respect from dignitaries during the presentation of awards night, and as the only young person amongst other eight Digicel Man of Honour, he walked up the podium with tears of joy were he was crowned this prestigious Digicel award. 

"Words cannot depict how it feels to be given such national recognition, when all you are trying to do is by doing your bit to make this world a better place" the Digicel Man of Honour proudly  testifies. In his maiden Facebook post, he thanked everyone, including the Digicel Foundation,  towards this achievement. He further says that he is now fuelled, equipped, rejuvenated, and  excited to continue the charity work he is doing, and hoping to partner with Digicel Foundation and other stakeholders to pursue his humanitarian service to Gumine and Simbu as a whole.

He concluded by saying his inspiration is drawn from the the quote from famous Mother Theresa of India where it says "Not everyone can do great things, but we can do small things with great love". 

He furthermore encourages students to be the agent of change in the community, in what little ways they can to help alleviate poverty, improve literacy, optimize education platforms and discourage law and order, gender inequalities, domestic violence and tribal warfare. 

"We are the agent of change, because our people, the community look up to us. If we advocate for change, there is nothing that can stop us to achieve that," he concluded.




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