Lukluk Raun

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


PPP vows to continue contributing to nation building

NRI Seminar - Sumasy Singin (fifth from left) with officials from the NRI, UPNG and Registry of Political Parties and Candidates Commission.

Words and picture by HENZY YAKHAM

One of Papua New Guinea’s pioneer political parties has renewed its commitment to help the country recover from the current economic downturn for the good and wellbeing of its majority citizens.

The interim President of People’s Progress Party (PPP), Sumasy Singin said after 46 years of political independence, PNG needs to seriously consider making legislative reforms where necessary to accommodate the people’s wishes and development aspirations.

Singin said: “We were there in the beginning, we are here today and we will continue on in taking the challenges for tomorrow.”

In doing so, he paid tribute and acknowledged PNG’s leaders that have “gone before us” and those surviving to work together with the leaders of tomorrow.

Singin was making presentation Tuesday (Dec 14) in the PNG Political Parties’ seminar at the Institute of National Affairs in Port Moresby, National Capital District.

He told the seminar that PNG needed changes and there was an urgent need for to develop on further from what have been built and have achieved so far.

“It is our challenge to deliver balanced policy for PNG’s future prosperity and well-being, policies that will be delivering for the good of each and every man, woman, girl and boy in the country.

“Given the opportunity, we will lead our country in a decisive, clear and effective way. PPP will get the job done. This is country and the challenge is for every citizen to make a real difference for the good of all,” Singin told the seminar.

As well, he noted that the PPP policies were very much reliant on our forefathers who drafted PNG’s Constitution setting out the National Goals and Directive Principles - In doing so the Eight Point Plan was adopted for the country’s guidance.

In 1973, the Eight Point Plan was formulated with the main objective to:

· Increase indigenous participation in the economy;

· Equality among various ethnic groups, gender and between areas;

· Greater attention to rural and village development; and

· Self- Reliant.

Singin also highlighted that the PPP will endeavour to contribute meaningfully with policy guidelines including:

Autonomy - Give more powers to provinces to manage their own affairs like raising tax revenue and spending on essential services in their provinces;

Social Sector - Free education up to Grade 12. Free health services in the first three years and reduced in the following years;

Resources Sector - Revolutionary reforms in the resource laws to give more ownership and provide increase equity in shareholding to land/resources owners;

Corruption - Resource well State law enforcement agencies to enforce law. Put in place Unexplained Wealth Gain Act.

Money for people - Put money into people’s pockets micro finance, savings and loans societies etc. This is where the SME sector and the Department of Agriculture play a prominent role.

COVID 19 - Anti body test to also be considered as a measure to combat the pandemic. Covid 19 now defined as a disease and therefore should be transfer to the Health Department with necessary resources.

Cop 26 - A clear definition and policy guidelines be drafted for different strand of benefits under the United Nations Convention on Sustainable Development.

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