Lukluk Raun

Tuesday, December 14, 2021



Pastor Gerhard Stamm


People of Jiwaka always remember this name - STAMM.

Pastor Gerhard Stamm spent 30 years in Papua New Guinea.

On July 3, 2019, Jiwakans mourned deeply after his passing in their homeland. Stamm had served them with a lot of patience and a loving heart.

Stamm from Germany came with his wife Brigitte to PNG as a Missionary of Liebenzell Mission International (LMI), which was the 5th protestant mission to arrive in PNG in 1914.

Late Gerhard Stamm was born July 12, 1957 to Karl and Annemarie Stamm in Lichtenfels, Germany and grew up with his twin brother Dieter and two other siblings in a Christian home.

After finishing secondary school, he began training as a government official in the German Railway in October 1973. It was very important to his parents to give him and his siblings a home in which they were introduced to Jesus Christ at an early age.

Towards the end of school, Gerhard heard God’s voice speaking to him with his twin brother Dieter where he gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ at the 1973 YMCA Pentecost Conference in Bobengruen, Germany.

He believed that from this day on he knew that his name was written in the Book of Life.

As God’s call he began his training at the Liebenzell Mission Theological Seminary in 1980 and later began his missionary work.

Gerhard was ordained a Pastor in 1985, where he worked as a youth Pastor with Christian Endeavor for two years where he married his dear wife Brigitte, née Roettinger in 23/05/1986.

Gerhard and his wife Gloria in 2018.

Before the couple came to PNG they did Language studies in England from 1987 – 1988 and in 1988 they departed to Papua New Guinea with the task of establishing a mission training center and training young locals for world mission in Kiru, Central Province for six years.

The couple carried our youth ministry and regular visits to villages to encourage the churches have been part of their passion throughout all their years in PNG, especially in the Hunstein Range area of East Sepik Province.

From 1994 on, in cooperation with the South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC), they taught at various Bible schools in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Their aim was to promote world mission among different churches and to train local missionaries.

In 2004 they moved to Wewak for 5 years to train and equip pastors and elders in the Trans-Sepik area of the SSEC in PNG. Gerhard always loved to teach the word of God and hence taught in the Highlands, West New Britain, Manus, Morobe and Western Province.

Stamm was asked to step in as a Pastor for 2 years in their home church in Wassertruedingen, Germany in 2009. However returned in 2010 to Wewak where in stayed from 2010 to 2013.

He moved back to the Highlands in 2013 and built up a two year Bible school program of the SSEC Bible School in Aviamp-Popun, Jiwaka. On holidays the couple loved to go to remote places and encourage the believers to hold on to Jesus, especially in the Trans-Sepik area.

Gerhard Stamm was a well-known missionary at home and abroad. With great motivation and devotion, he invited people to entrust their lives to Jesus and to be obedient to his mission.

The Stamms with locals.

By his open, outgoing and original character he won the hearts of many people and made Jesus dear to them. Gerhard was God’s faithful worker in the harvest of Papua New Guinea for over 30 years.

He was a passionate missionary, preacher and teacher. His desire was that the people of PNG especially the young people as well the people in remote places would fully turn to the Lord.

He loved to be with people and to learn from them while having passion with native animals and loved PNG handcrafts especially weapons and tools.

One of the bible verses that brought him to PNG was Isaiah 66:19 ESV: "And I will set a sign among them. And from them I will send to the nations, who draw the bow, to the coastlands far away that have not heard my fame or seen my glory. And they shall declare my glory among the nations."

Stamm dreamed of Papua New Guineans committing themselves to the Lord and declare him among the nations and as part of his ministry training Papua New Guineans to go overseas as missionaries.

While he was known in many places in the country, many were shocked of his passing as their presence was seen during the memorial service held at the SSEC Bible School in Aviamp-Popun, Jiwaka last Sunday.

His immediate family, brother Dieter, his nephew David and Bernd together with wife Esther came from Germany along with the Director of LMI Martin Auch and wife Tabea.

Many other missionaries including the Swiss Evangelical Brotherhood Mission, Missionary Aviation Fellowship and LMI join the ceremony to pay their last respect.

But Stamm during his life of service as touched many hearts and churches as several churches and representatives from all over PNG paid their respect.

Martin Auch, Director of Liebenzell Mission, was thankful for the support the Liebenzell Family has received.

Late Stamm's coffin at the funeral in Jiwaka.

“We thank the Swiss Evangelical Brotherhood Mission and Missionary Aviation Fellowship for all their support especially in the last few days. Also SSEC Bible School Aviamp-Popun and the local community. One of your leader is gone. Respect him by following his role model,” said Auch.

Late Gerhard Stamm was described as a great servant and preacher of the good news. While in an emotional speech Dieter Stamm, the twin brother of late Gerhard, shared that it was hard for him to let Gerhard go to Papua New Guinea.

"Because we really had a special relationship but it is even harder to let him go now. But I let him go, because I want to surrender all to God." Dieter said.

He added that money, position and material things do not satisfy. Let go of it and surrender to Jesus."

Late Gerhard’s wife Brigitte with tears she said took the last words saying that she misses Gerhard.

"I miss Gerhard. I have never felt that much pain. He was my best friend and also spiritual mentor,” Brigitte said.

As she recalled the memories that Gerhard has left Brigitte said that it is not only hard to lose Gerhard, but I will be also losing you as my friends and PNG, that I called home for more than 30 years.

Gerhard’s body was flown to Germany, where a funeral service was held in Auhausen, Stamm’s home in Bavaria Province.

We thank you for your service to Jiwaka and to our country.

In happier times with the people he loved.

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