Lukluk Raun

Tuesday, May 9, 2023



Tondop's 13, the original platoon he took to Hela.


POLICING is such a tough ask in PNG that many officers rarely take monumental risks and challenges.

Mention Tari or Hela and many officers will squirm at the thought.

We all know restive Tari. We all know the violence that has torn apart Hela in the recent past.

Special callouts of police supported by army and warders, state of emergencies, even heavily armed mobile squad units supported by special army rangers and CIS units have had limited success.

Then along comes a seasoned veteran with an initial detachment of 13 policemen and a support team of an admin officer, a driver, a mechanic and the man with a pot and a ladle who keeps them happy – a seasoned spicy hot chef.

Chief Superintendent Joseph Tondop, (QPM, DPS) took formal command of police in Hela as Provincial Police Commander in a ceremony in Tari town in November 2022, taking over from fellow squad mate Chief Inspector Teddy Agwi.

Among rising concerns, frustrations, anger and worry not to mention the clamoring in parliament about the law-and-order situation in Hela and the demands for an immediate State of Emergency there, Tondop and his men sat down to a well-earned stew and worked out an unlikely plan.

A God-fearing foot soldier, Tondop sent his driver and mechanic to round up all the pastors in Tari Town.

They would be the key in restoring peace in Hela. Tari and Mendi are strategic to PNG’s oil and gas developments in Hela Province.

The economy of PNG is driven by the receipts from Hela. The well keeper and Prime Minister James Marape is from Hela. What better man than a God-fearing man like Tondop to take the helm of law and order.

Police Commissioner David Manning called up Tondop and PM Marape gave him his blessings.

Law and order are insurmountable in Hela and nearby Southern highlands. But Tondop and his 14 men crew with their trusty cook thrive on the biblical belief that ‘With God on your side, who can be against you!’

They also have the support of mobile, army and CIS units in the province, who are tried, tested and battle eager.

Needless to say, the number of minor offences occurring throughout the province are too numerous to record but drunkenness, public fights and disturbances in the market, drug production and consumption were taken as normal and routine happening openly in Tari town and outside.

Tondop addressing locals.

It was not a safe place to be and shops shut down at 3pm with the main market 30 minutes later. By 5pm, the town is deserted.

Fast forward four weeks later to today and Tari town is a model of cleanliness with hardly any rubbish on the streets. The usual pedestrian congestion on the streets is noticeably lesser and there is hardly a drunk or “drug body” to be seen in town or in the market.

The main market and second-hand sales areas have been moved and relocated to behind the shopping centre now. The main highway and roads into town all report the same. Where has the lawlessness gone to?

At the police station, you will hear noises coming from the cell blocks where once there was silence. Across the fence in the court house, the Senior Provincial Magistrate has found there is work for him after all with the start of the 2023 work year, he suddenly has close to 100 cases to hear – all police matters.

And the warders from Hawa prison have been told to expect their first inmates for 2023 of 16 prisoners convicted for various offences after they had been monitoring an empty prison since 2018 with more to follow within this week.

It appears that these changes truly do stem from divine intervention and the prayers and cries of the people of Hela have finally been answered from above.

Police Commissioner David Manning should rightly be commended for making a very astute decision to send one of God’s own servants Joseph Tondop to be PPC Hela despite criticism that he was too senior for the role. Tondop’s initial actions upon arrival speak volumes about how he sees his role as a police officer.

Immediately after taking formal command, PPC Tondop wasted no time in reaching out to the churches through the Hela Council of Churches for them to partner with him in mobilising the Body of Christ to commence an awareness crusade through the churches for change and against lawlessness.

The churches of Hela had long prayed for this and they needed no further bidding. They mobilised all churches in the province and commenced a crusade for change, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation throughout Hela with policemen including the PPC at some areas and by themselves in others.

With the churches already in support, the new PPC next reached out to all the leaders of the community, businesses, government agencies, women and youths to support him in this crusade for change in Hela from lawless to law abiding.

And the support and response was overwhelmingly positive. A clear sign that the people of Hela truly did want peace but their wishes had been trampled on and suppressed by a handful of lawless criminals through the barrel of a gun.

As many leaders professed at public meetings with the PPC, they had truly had enough of guns, fighting, wars and killings, living in fear and being refugees. They wanted a return to a life of peace and normalcy.

With the forces of the Church, the Community Leaders and the State solidly aligned against the forces of lawlessness the campaign and crusade spread throughout the province to all corners spreading the message that Hela wanted a return to the path of the law.

They wanted peace, righteousness and prosperity. They were done with chaos and anarchy. 

On December 29, 2022, a few days after a peaceful Christmas in Tari town, the awareness campaigns and crusades for peace culminated in the launching of the Hela Forgiveness, Peace, Repentance and Reconciliation Day.

Tondo (right) in a law and order meeting.

The day was marked by the presence of all Hela MPs including the Prime Minister James Marape who was accompanied by his wife and children as well as Minister Joe Sungi and Vice Minister Kessy Sawang, the President of the PNG Council of Churches, Deputy Police Commissioner Anton Billie, all Hela LLG Presidents, church, women and youth leaders.

If you believe in miracles and divine intervention, then a miracle happened on the day too when twice rain threatened to disrupt the event with drops actually falling but both times, it stopped and did not fall until well after the Prime Minister had delivered his keynote address and the interdenominational prayers were said by the pastors on the grandstand.

Police, CS and DF vehicles were sent up and down the main roads and highways to maintain visibility and ensure the roads were kept open and free. The PPC ensured that he was physically present and available and attended or sent a senior officer to attend all reports from community leaders of any incident that threatened the peace in all parts of the province. In fact on New Year Day, he travelled to Koroba at 2am in the morning to attend to a report received about a serious disturbance there.

Tari and Hela locals concerns about the arrests made not being effective because of the ATM in the police station where those arrested miraculously disappeared from the police cells and appeared on the streets a few hours later continuing to cause trouble.

This time they were pleasantly surprised to see that they remained behind bars with only a few released after BSP opened from Christmas to take bail deposits. To further reinforce his commitment to returning professionalism to policing in Hela, PPC Tondop has already suspended on senior police sergeant for allowing a prisoner arrested on drugs related charges to be released on bail.

According to the PPC, criminal charges will also be laid against this sergeant under the Criminal Code Act for various crimes. The message has been sent loud and clear – Shape up, do your duty or ship out. No second chances.

And so, for the first time since Hela was declared a province over 10 years ago, the entire province witnessed a Christmas and New Year period that was totally peaceful and event free except for one payback killing – one only in a province where this was a daily event and the period experienced at least 5 or more.

To put it mildly, this achievement within 3 weeks of taking office is an outstanding effort and you would think the PPC would be entitled to take some time off and relax a bit but you would be wrong. According to Tondop, “I made a commitment and promise to my God, my Commissioner, the people of Hela and myself that I would do everything possible to restore law and order to Hela within 6 months. I still have 5 months to go and that is not a long time. There is no time to rest.”

And to reinforce this, he has initiated “Operation Secure Tari Township” where the security forces have been mobilised to secure and control all main vehicular entry/exit points for Tari Township.

As of Thursday, January 6, three roadblocks have been established at check points where all persons and vehicles seeking entry into town may be subject to search. “We intend to ensure that there are no more fights, killings, disorderliness and lawlessness within the town and its vicinity. All persons and vehicle entering town will be subject to random searches and resistance will not be tolerated.

“All members of the police force have been placed on notice including regulars, reservists and auxiliaries. I have already commenced disciplinary proceedings against 13 officers who failed to turn up for the Christmas New Year Operation and will do the same for anyone who chooses not to take part in this exercise. We will enforce the law as mandated by the Constitution – nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who chooses not to be a part of this is choosing not to be a part of the Police Force”, he said.

“This operation is also geared towards enforcing the recent liquor ban imposed in Hela province.”

Tondop intends to restore peace to the provincial capital first and then move outwards throughout the province to all hotspot areas and fighting zones with his message for enemies to lay down their arms and return to peace for prosperity and a better life. Perhaps most important of all is the conviction that he is moving in accordance with Gods plan for Hela.

Tondop started on his mission with 13 uniformed policemen from Simbu, Jiwaka and Enga – all volunteers with the blessing of Deputy Commissioner Billie. Of these one is a sergeant who is a specialist PR officer, the other sergeant is a specialist investigator, one driver / mechanic and 10 operations support men.

And from there, with the support of those already in Hela including the Mobile Squads, Defence Force troops and CS officers, he has so far achieved what so many special operations, call outs and state of emergencies have failed to achieve – bring a semblance of peace and normalcy to Tari town.


Prime Minister James Marape addressing his people of Hela.

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