Lukluk Raun

Wednesday, November 24, 2021



The heart wrench song by Dutch songwriter and singer Alice May tugs at your heart strings.
It is one love song that will live in the heart of a young man named Melky Jake as will it linger in our hearts for the wonderful memories we shared with Melky's late mum Anna Jack.
Miss Anna Jack, known to all of us as AJ, left us last December, 2019. She had given 25 years loyal service to Post-Courier newspaper starting as a humble typesetter and passing away on December 23 at the Port Moresby General Hospital.
Singer May released the song 40 years ago in the Netherlands. But the question it asks is still relevant today.
Anyone who loves his mum, longs for his lost mother, aches for her loving arms, will cherish this song and its humble lyrics.
It asks of mother a simple begging question:
Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter
With me everything is OK
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, don't worry, I'm fine
Promise to see you this summer
This time there will be no delay
Mother, how are you today?
AJ was flown home to Daru in Western Province and laid to rest after passing away at the Port Moresby General Hospital.
Her best friends and co-workers Lydia and Deborah saw her more often than most of us.
They remember her as 'funny' but very 'committed to her job'.
AJ lived in the suburb of Morata. In the 80s and 90s, it was a tough place to live in but AJ adapted.
The hardest thing was catching a bus to work and Lydia recalls: "so she'd wakeup early without having any breakfast so she can make it to work on time."
For 25 years she was on time and never complained, a testimony shared at her funeral.
A single mother, she raised her son as best as she could. Proudly, Melky will be in year 12 at Gerehu High School in 2019.
This young man went to school last year on the wings of a prayer. Every day after school, he took a bus to be with mum at PoM GEN.
 It was a routine that became a daily event as his mother was admitted o the hospital.
Deborah also knew AJ well. One day while chewing buai, she offered one to AJ but surprisingly AJ refused.
"One time I was chewing and ask her if she wants one and said no and ask her how?  She told me that she join Revival Church.  I was happy and glad when she told me that. 
"No matter what time she finished work she still go for her bible study at 9 Mile Revival Church. "She became very committed to church and became big sister to me.  Whatever she ask me if I have it I give and if I don’t have it I don’t.  We would both share a lot among ourselves and it was a great loss to lose such a loving, caring sister."

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