Lukluk Raun

Friday, November 26, 2021




Young mother Daisy Jim remembers the day terror descended like a heavy fog on the Sugu Valley.

She was pregnant and barely able to walk. But like thousands of others, the fear of death, took flight and she fled to the safety of the forest.

As she stood on a mountain track, she saw the smoke from her smoldering home. Her tears of helplessness fell like the steady hum of the Lai River.

Hiding in the forest, she gave birth to her daughter Delen. The joy of a new life brought into the Sugu Valley fetched great joy. It inspired her to hope for peace, to dream of the day she and baby Delen would return to their home.

For 8 desolate years, Daisy and Delen waited. Along with thousands of others, they waited. Some mothers died waiting in the forests. Their children succumbed to hunger and disease.

Their once wonderful, peaceful valley became a warzone. It became a valley of tears.

But one thing they never forgot was they prayed for peace to return. Huddled under the trees, in muddy huts, covered by the canopy of green foliage, they prayed.

In such harsh environments, the soot of a pandanus, a kaukau or a peanut emerging from the dry earth is a sign of life.

Unknown to the refugees, faraway from their shattered valley, a tiny windswept seed was rearing its head of peace.

In the seaport city of Lae, hundreds of kilometres away from Mendi, a local businessman had heard the cries of his people. Maita Yawi, known to the Sugus as Maina Pano, had heard their cries, felt their pain, and now decided it was time to act.

Sugu Valley, dissected by the Lai River, and irrigated in part by the Mendi River, separates the towns of Kagua and Erave.

Pano felt the only way to stop the fight was to return to Sugu Valley. It was not easy but, along with the Kagua Erave Member of Parliament Wesley Ora Raminai, and Southern Highlands Governor William Powi and senior statesman Sir Yano Belo, the wheels of peace began turning.

One of the longest and deadliest gun battles fought in the history of the district and province, from 2013-2018 slowly unraveled as peace finally returned to Sugu Valley in 2021.

In 2020, Pano, together with other leaders like Anderson Levo and other community, government and tribal leaders agreed to push for a ceasefire agreement that paved way for the peace ceremony in 2021.

The peace agreement was the significance of what the people of Sugu Valley were hoping for and it was after eight years of living with fear that the tribes, clans, villages, communities and ward areas within the district stood together in unity to embrace peace and stop fighting.

The peace agreement made was to also restore broken families, homes and lives of more than 38 people (men, women and children) who were killed during the 2013 fighting when a grenade exploded at Ragu village.

The district was declared state of emergency by the National Government and sent in police and soldiers to provide security from the central areas however the main battle field was lockdown with high-powered rifles and machine guns.

In 2018, a bloody battle continued and claimed over 30 lives including properties destroyed in Kagua. It was through the cease fire agreement then the tribes with their fight leaders came in unity to lay down their weapons for peace.

Daisy said the situation was extremely grim for the people, more so for the women and children.

"I’m thankful to God for allowing our leaders to stand together to bring peace to us after eight years of pain and suffering," said Daisy.

The peace ceremony was witnessed by leaders from the provincial, district, Local Level Government (LLG) and ward levels including, tribal leaders and war lords and the people at the Kagua Station.

Sir Yano Belo, Kagua-Erave district administration and the office of the provincial government all stood together on that day to show their support to end the fighting.

Southern Highlands police commander Chief Supt Martin Lakari was also present to sign the peace agreement representing the three disciplinary forces at Kagua station with military personnel from the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF).

Governor Powi also provided funding support to rebuild Sugu Valley High School and Sumbura Health Centre for the people of Sugu Valley.

The leaders also told the tribes to stop and refrain from the practice of supporting any perpetrators or drunkards to start a fight or to push for anymore tribal fighting in the area.

Homebrew alcohol related issues among few people was the main cause of fighting that claimed many lives and properties of which others money cannot even replace them.

Another five-year tribal fight between the people of Bele, Yamala, Polusi, Anakerepa and Ariarepa in Aiya Local Level Government in Kagua-Erave also ended with a historical peace and reconciliation ceremony.

The ceremony was held in Rakele village and was attended by council wards of Roga 1 and 2, Roalomanda 1 and 2, Akuna, Kira 1 and 2, Yalu and Turi, Yanguri 1 and 2 with their leaders, fighters and people.

Pano was present to officiate another peace ceremony to restore peace in Aiya Local Level Government between the people of Bele, Yamala, and Anakerepa.

This is another biggest approach taken by Pano as a local leader to bring peace and restoration to ensure his people are resettled on their land and live life without fear and destruction.

With his people they walked a 120 kilometres trek for two days built by the people of remote Rakele village where the peace ceremony was held.

"I want peace for everyone because I don't want to solve same old issues for all tribes in Kagua-Erave while we are all still suffering for government services.

"I don’t want to see tribes running to me for vehicles, financial assistance or request me to be there in villages and communities to solve any fighting issues because I will not support it,” Pano said.

Local leaders Kimi Apasi (Urupa), Pisa Yamanu (Pamerepa), Max Mara (Suki-Amasa), Yama Releyo (Belesa), Asapa Pasa (Watuma), Mote Nakula and Tonny Mura (Kira), Amos Lobe (Rakele), Otty Yubi (Yalu), Ronald Wandi and Ramson Apai (Apoma), Nick Nihya and Robinson Loaya (Bele) all said the peace ceremony was crucial and significant for unity and prosperity.

Raku ward councillor Poubo Napa and youth leader Mike Siele shed tears and thanked both Pano and Anderson for being there for them including the the people of Wambea and Kambia after residing in makeshifts tents for more than eight years.

Today the six tribes Kambiya, Rearepa, Koyari, Ya’ala, Hurupa and Yatupa and the three tribes of Perepe, Wambe and Lauwereba are at peace.

Pictures by JERRY SEFE

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